Let's Talk About Autism!
Let's Talk About Autism: What is this all about? This is a blog all about Autism with resources, breakdown of all the special educational jargon, education, tips and tricks about integration and a resource for parents, students and teachers. The goal is to create a place where we can talk about Autism and help each other out! What's my background? "I have been aiding in a mainstream classroom for 4 years, mentored around 50 students with disabilities (including Autism) and am becoming an activist for students/people like me, living with a disability. " Why am I doing this? My whole life has been how to blend in. How to be normal; how do I not let people know I am Autistic. I am proud to be Autistic and am no longer hiding it. I want to help those like me out there, because I am tired of being called “one in a million.” It sickens me to sit in a meeting and hear people tell me all the things my students with Autism cannot do. How much work they are, how ...