Let's Talk About Autism!

Let's Talk About Autism:

What is this all about?

This is a blog all about Autism with resources, breakdown of all the special educational jargon, education, tips and tricks about integration and a resource for parents, students and teachers. The goal is to create a place where we can talk about Autism and help each other out!

What's my background?

"I have been aiding in a mainstream classroom for 4 years, mentored around 50 students with disabilities (including Autism) and am becoming an activist for students/people like me, living with a disability. "

Why am I doing this?

My whole life has been how to blend in. How to be normal; how do I not let people know I am Autistic. I am proud to be Autistic and am no longer hiding it. I want to help those like me out there, because I am tired of being called “one in a million.” It sickens me to sit in a meeting and hear people tell me all the things my students with Autism cannot do. How much work they are, how we are a disease. I think that people need to realize that we do not need to “cure” Autism but give every person the tools to be the best they can be. My drive is to erase the terminology of (and concept of) “curing Autism.” I am tired of the word having such a negative connotation. (Autism being the term.) I truly want to change the stigma. I want to hear parents and teachers telling me how they can help their student/child living with Autism. People coming together and getting back to being student centered within schools. I know it sounds crazy, and it’ll take a lot of work, patience, sweat and tears, but oh boy am I ready! This blog is one of many steps to getting there. Creating a resource that is both honest, real and gives people hope is my goal. This work won’t end here, but I have to start somewhere.


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