
Tips and Tricks!

Some Resources.

So there's some awesome resources out there for students with Autism, bellow are some links to a few just to help you all out! Autism-Help The Autism Helper: Autism Speaks: / Some Places in California: Family Resource Network Central Valley Autism Project Valley Mountain Regional Center Also let me know if you've found anything too! I'll add it as well!  Let's continue to talk about Autism!

Need More Help?

It's not over yet; let's work together! It's true that everything needs to be individualized for students with Autism. SOme things work for some that do not work for others. My best tip to give you all is this, scaffold as much as you can in the classroom! Remember to be student oriented; the goal is that students are learning the materials. As a student who's been now the student and the teacher in a classroom, it's a far easier said than done task of scaffolding. I will do my best to continue to find tips and tricks for subjects for students with Autism. Here's where you come in, if you have ANY tips and tricks and/or teaching strategies that aid our Autistic students to grow, learn and cope with the mainstream classroom, let me know! I will gladly post them and give you the credit! Thank you all so much and let's continue to talk about Autism!

Tips and Tricks: Testing

Testing is the toughest thing we have for students across the board. There are many elements that come into play when it comes to it. The test format, student’s stress levels, the high anxiety of taking a test, confusion over the questions. There are some tips and tricks that aid students with Autism with testing. 4 Main Testing Tips and Tricks: Allow the exam to be taken in alternative formats (EX: orally, short answer, fill in the blanks) The goal is to test student knowledge, not the ability to take a test! Give them extra time (for example, if students are able to answer all the questions in an hour instead of 30 minutes, allocate a time and place so they can do so.) Provide a quite place to test. (provide an aid or teacher to give assistance as well as clarification.) Sometimes you can either shorten a test, and it can make/break a student’s grades. DISCLAIMER: All the lists of intervention and integration tips and tricks have come from a collaborati...

WrightsLaw: A Cool IEP Website!

I found this awesome website that breaks down IEP Meetings (Individual Educational Plans) into different levels and as an advocate I think it's important for all parties involved to be aware of what level they're at.

Video: Advice From Me to You!

I really wanted to include a video with some advice and inspiration for all of you reading this blog!

Tips and Tricks for Transition

The day to day transitions in single subject schools is something I, myself have personally struggled with. It’s quite overwhelming and a lot to remember, here’s some tips and tricks I have used/found helpful for students with Autism! Tips and Tricks for Aiding with Class Transitions  (for middle and high school students.) Walk their schedule during orientation/before the first day of school, explain every step out and allow them to get a feel for the school. Show them the areas that will support them (Ex: where is the office of the school? School nurse? And all help offered on campus.) Provide a written detailed schedule (make sure to have everything on it! Time of class, location, teacher name.) If possible, have them meet their teachers Utilize a daily log to communicate in behavioral, academic and social progress. (between the teachers and parents and students.) It’s best if you stay OPEN with all parties involved. DISCLAIMER: All the lists of intervention a...


Something a lot of teachers forget is that students with Autism thrive in a well organized classroom, but struggle with creating their own. These are some tips and tricks from Special Educational Teachers in the field! Organization Tips and Tricks: Provide a daily planner for what students need to accomplish each day (Do not be afraid to put all events into this planner such as time to wake up, eat, transportation major school activities and times etc.) Provide assertion, spatial, order and procedural support and tasks to keep students on task Repeat instructions/have numerous places for the students to look. (Ex: a visual schedule on the board as well as one on their desk.) Intersperse less desired activities with more desired ones (Ex: use a student interest as an award for doing the work asked of them) Give examples, be clear and specific with your expectations on work (also suppling an explicit example.)   Keep a predictable schedule/daily routine Introduce chan...