Tips and Tricks on to Figure Out Integration Level


These are some questions to think about and ask your IEP team when discussing a student's integration. Each of these is designed to remove personal bias, and can be answered with data collected. These are to aid everyone in the process on what direction they should go. Also remember, have things to backup your answer to each of these. For Example: for how much redirection do they need? you can have a teacher gather, or someone go in an observe the student in question. These questions are created to aid you all in gathering data and must be data driven.

Some Guiding Questions to answer on the child at the IEP: 

(On the topic of Integration)

  • Are they able to listen and stay on task when asked by a teacher?
  • How much redirection do they need?
  • Can the child get the education they need by being removed for life skills/coping skills then returning?
  • What are the pros and cons of each of the 3 options?
  •  What percentage can they be in the mainstream class?
  •   What are the student’s goals?
  •   What works best for the child and their education?
  •   Can the resource/accommodation be implemented in a mainstream class or not?


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