Tips and Tricks for an IEP

9 Tips and Tricks on How to get through an Effective Individual Education Plan (IEP) Meeting.

1.       Breakdown of child’s areas of strengths, weaknesses, services, supports, and goals

·         These can sometimes be objective, remember to keep this in mind
·         How one words this is very important, think of a compliment sandwich. (For example; say a strength, addresses an area of need, then end it with something they do well.)

2.       It’s a tool that educators can use to aid your child throughout their education.

·         Present levels give people a base to go from
·         Annual goals and objects

3.       It’s a “living document” and can/should be changed as needed.

·         As a child grows, their needs also do to. Be flexible, changes in this doesn’t always mean they did not need the accommodation, but they either need to adjust it or simply continue using it.

4.       Creating a TEAM for aiding the child in their education.

·         This is the goal of this meeting. Keep it in mind.
·         Remember that every member is important.

5.       Every member is an important part of the TEAM.

·         This one is one that can be forgotten and leads to issues. Every team member has important input.
·         Keep an open mind, views on what will help the child can vary, but everyone still has the same goal in mind.

6.       Effective communication is key. These can get frustrating, but they’re necessary.

·         To keep a team environment, it must stay as a WE. No I’s in team.
·         Remember that everyone is passionate about the child’s education but keep the communication open.
·         Don’t shut down other ideas, integrate them
·         Knowledge is powerful, so to get knowledge, every member of the team must have some input.

7.       Keep Calm

·         This one seems silly, but it is truly necessary.
·         Everyone can get heated, remember it’s usually because they care.
·         This can impact a child’s life, though the pressure is intense, to get the goal of aiding a child’s education done, we have to make sure every member of the team hears what’s being said.

8.       Remember what you’re there for.

·         This is all about the child and their education.
·         The child is the first and only thing that should be spoken about within these meetings
·         Everyone wants the child to succeed

9.       I know this is a tough process, but breathe, you’ve all got this.


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